fgetcsv でCSVが簡単に読み込める場合は問題有りませんが、setlocaleでいろいろごにょごにょしないと文字化けにハマるし、設定に依存するのでサーバが変わると不具合が発生したりと、安心してつかえません。
* Load CSV Line
* with CR+LF included in the columns
* Licenced GPL Ver.2: Copyright(c) Yoshi Sakai @ Bluemoon inc.
* &$handle = File pointer
* $fieldNumber = Field number ( Max colmuns )
function fgets_csv( &$handle, $fieldNumber=0 ){
if ( $fieldNumber==0 || feof($handle) ) return TRUE;
$line = fgets($handle); // Load 1 line anyway
while ( 1 ){
// Check CR+LF in the double cuotation and load
$str = preg_replace('/"{2}/','"', $line);
while ( substr_count($str,'"') % 2 > 0 ){
if (feof($handle)) break;
$line .= fgets($handle);
$str = preg_replace('/"{2}/','"', $line);
// Check Field number
$str = preg_replace('/"(.*?)"/',"", $line); // cut double cuotation
$n = substr_count($str,','); // count comma
if ( feof($handle) || $n+1 >= $fieldNumber ) break; // Field Ok?
return $line;
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